Who We Help

Breathe Cincinnati focuses on optimizing the mouth for it's lifetime role in feeding, breathing, and sleeping. Whether that be addressing the tongue, lip, and cheek-ties of an infant so that breastfeeding is successful, or providing solutions for children and adults for snoring and/or disordered sleeping through the use of tools like oral appliances and palate expansion; our goal is to help everyone breathe well, sleep well, be well.  

Improving Your Health Trajectory.

Did you know that no one profession oversees the mouth?

Dentists focus on teeth and gums. Adeptly named, ENTs focus on the ear, nose, and throat. Speech Language Pathologists pay attention to tongue placement, though not evaluate the size and shape of the mouth. But nobody takes ownership of the mouth.  

That's why it's role in the airway and breathing is often overlooked. No one is charged with looking at the mouth as a whole system. Breathe Cincinnati serves as the umbrella for services to care for the whole mouth–thereby caring for the whole person. We bring together specialists from each of these disparate disciplines to help you or your child breathe better and improve overall wellness.

How We Work

You'll first meet with Dr. Koo for an evaluation of the airway. She may also recommend a SleepImage Sleep Screen which provides a general idea  of what's happening to your body while you sleep.

From there, you'll have access to a dedicated, holistic team such as:
– Occupational Therapist
– Speech Language Pathologist
– Craniosacral  Therapist
– Breathing Educator
– Airway-centric Orthodontist
– Oral Myofunctional Therapist